Azo Smart, the right nitrogen for the orchard!

Azo Smart, the right nitrogen for the orchard!

Agriges News


In orchards, the phases of the vegetative cycle of leaves development are critical moments for the plant that is still using the reserves accumulated in the woody organs the previous year. In these phases, in fact, the nitrogen absorption by the roots is still slow, before the root path is unblocked it is necessary that the soil reaches adequate temperatures and the plant has a well-developed leaf apparatus such as to guarantee the absorption of nutrients from the ground.

One solution to speed up these processes and thus improve the productive performance of the crop is to supply the plant with readily available nitrogen, absorbed through the leaves through nitrogen-fixing microorganisms. A foliar intervention guarantees a rapid development of the vegetative apparatus of the plant and thus also speeds up the processes of absorption of nutrients by the roots.


In response to the needs described, Agriges offers the product Azo Smart, a microbial formulation based on a consortium of microorganisms isolated and registered within an international reference microbial collection.

Azo Smart contains two free nitrogen-fixing bacteria: Azotobacter chrococcum LS132 and Azospirillum brasilense AGS608 which, making atmospheric nitrogen available to plants, nitrogen is thus readily absorbed, guaranteeing a more rapid growth of the leaf apparatus.

Azo Smart, however, is more than an ordinary nitrogen-fixing bacteria product because it contains a microbial complexity that enables it to perform multiple beneficial activities for the plant.

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens AGS282 is a heat-resistant bacterium that promotes plant development and has a direct bio-stimulating action on the plant, also giving it greater resistance to abiotic stresses.

Trichoderma longibrachiatum AGS799 is a fungus with extraordinarily strong adaptive capacities and a remarkable growth speed that increases the plant's uptake of water and nutrients and gives it greater resistance to exogenous stresses.

Finally, the presence of mycorrhizae of the genus Glomus increases the volume of soil explored by the plant and thus the efficiency of water and nutrient uptake; it is also instrumental in increasing the share of phosphorus absorbed by the root system.

Click here to download the Azo Smart brochure in PDF format.

Click here to discover the animated brochure of Azo Smart.




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