Cereals, fertilization in pre-sowing: reasons to use organic products

Cereals, fertilization in pre-sowing: reasons to use organic products

Agriges Press

The importance of soil fertility

Soil is the main source of nutrients for crops and a fundamental resource for their productive success, it is therefore a resource that must be preserved.

Over time, soil fertility undergoes substantial changes in terms of chemical, physical and biological properties, mainly due to monoculture, excessive mineral fertilization, the use of chemical methods for soil disinfection, excessive tillage and low intake of organic matter.


Criticality in the fertilization of cereals

Fertilization, especially of nitrogenous type, represents a fundamental agronomic aspect in determining the yields and technological quality of grains.

Wheat has characteristic sinusoidal absorption curves (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) with peaks in the intermediate/final phases of the cycle.

For autumn-winter cereals, nitrogen is required and absorbed in greater quantities after stem elongation stage, before this phase, however, when the plant begins the tillering phases, the differentiation of the ear and spikelets also occurs: this process depends on the availability of nitrogen.

That is why it is very important to correctly identify both the right periods when to apply the fertilizer and the specific types of fertilizer to be used in order to maximize its efficiency of use as well as avoiding wasting. 

Basal fertilization

To meet the crop’s needs, you generally need to integrate the natural availability in the soil with external fertilizer inputs, optimizing its effectiveness of fertilization, i.e. ensuring that the crop can meet its nutritional needs at the different stages of its cycle, and reducing losses of nutrients due to dispersion in the groundwater and in the atmosphere.

The goal of fertilization is to provide the crop, for the entire duration of its cycle, with the full availability of nutrients, especially in the "key moments" of development, when the demand for nutrients is very strong.

From the considerations made to obtain maximum efficiency with basal fertilization and preserve and renew the fertility of the soil, it is necessary, at this stage, to provide organic fertilizers that guarantee the slow release of nutrients.


Organic slow release fertilizers

They are fertilizers in which the nature, the quality of the raw materials and the technology with which they are formulated allows the gradual release of nutrients in order to meet the needs of the crop in its different phases of the cycle.

For the basal fertilization Agriges recommends the use of the products of the Petro Line, which are optimal for restoring the organic substance they need to remain vital and healthy over the years to tired and exploited soils and to supply the crop with the nutrients it needs to complete your cycle optimally. 


Petro Line

The organic fertilizers of the PETRO line are pelletised products obtained from high-quality raw materials and characterized by the RyZea production technology, triptych of algae with biostimulating action and to counteract losses of nutrients due to leaching

The products in the PETRO line are based on highly humified organic matter, naturally matured in the company premises without the use of ovens or external heat sources. The catalogue includes a large number of formulations to choose from according to your specific needs (initial nutrient content of the soil, crop precession, seasonal weather trend, etc.).

In order to achieve a gradual release of nutrients naturally, Agriges has formulated all the products of the PETRO line with three different raw materials. Each of them is characterized by different mineralization times and, consequently, nutrient release, consisting of highly humified manure, vegetable matrices and animal proteins. The particular composition of PETRO, therefore, guarantees a constant release of nutrients up to thirty-three weeks following the application of the product

All the products of the Petro Line are then enriched with precious amino acids that provide immediate nutritional support for the crop and, together with the presence of RyZea technology, have a direct biostimulating action on plants.

The biostimulating activity of the Petro Line products is important to help the plant overcome environmental stresses, for example drought and high temperatures.

Furthermore, the products of the line are all enriched with relevant percentages of Calcium and Sulfur. They have an acidifying and desalinating action on the soil and are also important to increase plant resistance to lodging and environmental stress and to improve the qualitative-quantitative parameters of grains (higher yields, higher gluten content, total protein and hectolitre weight).

At last the special production process guarantees to achieve low humidity micro-pellets, which allow an excellent distribution through the fertilizer spreaders and do not create any dust lift-off problems.


Agriges has formulated all the products of the PETRO line with three different raw materials. Each of them is characterized by different mineralization times and, consequently, nutrient release, to meet crop needs up to 33 weeks after application


The products of the Petro Line are therefore, due to their intrinsic characteristics, particularly suitable for obtaining abundant and quality productions, and preserve long term fertility of soils.


For more information on the Petro Line download the brochure here!



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